The first step is to create a User Account.
Begin the process by clicking the upper right “LOGIN/REGISTER” button.
The next step is to register either a Visa or Mastercard.
Please enter your name and address information as it appears on your card statement.
Once all required fields are filled in, click “Next Step” in the lower right corner.
The next step in creating your account is to accept the Terms for participation on the HodginsHalls bidding platform.
Read the Terms, scrolling to the bottom on the page.
Here you have two steps to complete:
1. Click the “I agree to the terms above”.
2. Click “Submit”
The final step to creating your account is to verify your email address.
You will receive an email from that asks you to “Verify Email”.
It will appear as per the example below.
Having clicked on the “Register for Auction” in the previous step, you are required to accept the “Terms and Conditions Required to Bid”.
Click on the “Agree to Terms” button in the lower right corner.