Forms and

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Absentee / Phone Bid Form

The Absentee / Phone Bid Form is used to submit traditional absentee bids for both our live and online auctions.

To allow time for processing, please submit the forms to our offices at least 12 hours before the sale begins. Hodgins Art Auctions Ltd. will confirm all absentee bids by telephone or email.

Banking Details

Instructions for wire transfers, electronic bank transfers, and Interact e-transfers can be found on the Banking Details Form.

Please contact our offices by telephone at 403-252-4362 to let us know if you are transferring funds. We will confirm all monies received by email.

Credit Card Authorization Form

Hodgins Art Auctions Ltd. accepts Visa and MasterCard payments for invoices up to $ 5,000.

Please use the Credit Card Authorization Form to submit your authorization to our offices. Completed forms should be faxed to 403-259-3682.

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